Journey to WYD Seoul 2027


August 6

Pope Francis announces the next destination for WYD in Lisbon at the Missioning Mass

August 22

WYD Seoul 2027 Press Conference

September 27

Establishment of the Preparatory Committee for the WYD Seoul 2027 Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

December 14

Establishment of Phase 1 of the WYD Seoul 2027 LOC

January 25

Launch of the Preliminary Research Team. They read and meditated on “Christus Vivit” and "Korean Youth Ministry Guidlines"

February 14

Began the 200 Million Rosary Movement in preparation for WYD Seoul 2027

March 14

Appointment of Bishop Paul Kyung Sang Lee as the Episcopal Coordinator General of the LOC

April 4

Preliminary Research Team met with Archbishop Chung to share their experiences of the process of preparing for WYD

April 13

Blessing of the LOC Office

May 3, 16, 30

Held Forum for Diocesan Priests regarding WYD pastoral care

May 23-28

Presented on WYD Seoul 2027 at the International Congress on Youth Ministry held in Rome and concluded agreement with the DLFL

June 22

After completing the Preliminary Research Team activities, offered the fruits of their work with a ceremony

June 28

Held the Camp at the Cathedral to listen to and share the stories of young people

July 12

Inaugural General Assembly of the WYD Seoul 2027 Foundation

July 28

To celebrate three years until the event, a kick-off ceremony and Mass were held at Myeongdong Cathedral

September 24

Holy See announced themes for the 40th and 41st WYD and the logo for WYD Seoul 2027

October 6

Began the “1004 Project,” which includes a Vicarate-level Youth Mass and “Conversations with the Bishop”
The delivery of the young cross and the redemption of the Roman people in Lisbon

November 24

Young people from Lisbon hand over the iconic WYD Cross and Icon of Our Lady, Salus Populi Romani

November 29

WYD Symbols, WYD Cross and Icon of Our Lady, Salus Populi Romani Welcoming Night

December 13

About 200 volunteers have completed the formation course